Regard with amusement this e-mail that Steve received from some spluttering nincompoop:
you fucken basterds ! change your name to jigga boo shit . there is already a band called hence the name , MY BAND . go to it .net you .com fag !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yes you counted right, that's 17 exclamation points in a row, and as we all know, the amount of exclamation points at the end of a sentence is directly proportional to the sincerity of the author. So this guy really really really really really means it. We should take him very seriously. I just wish someone had told me that registering a .com address meant that we were fags! Then I would have registered a much hipper .net address when we registered oh.... over 3 years ago. Let's just pull up a whois search to see when was registered... May of this year. My my my.
So yes, there is another band that calls themselves Hence The Name, and has registered, You know, I really thought it was awesome when our songs started showing up on Napster. Now we have bands naming themselves the same thing. Piracy and plagiarism are the sincerest forms of flattery, I say, and now that we've gotten hate mail, we know we've truly arrived.
It's funny, because Steve and I went through a whole brainstorming session to determine our band's name, and some of the names we rejected, even though they were really cool names, because other bands had already used them. We could have been "Serendipity" or "Moon Patrol", but we were very adamant about having a name that was not already in use. Obviously, not all bands feel this way.
I guess we should have bothered with registering a trademark on the name, but that costs a few hundred dollars, and the band is more of a hobby than a business investment. Besides, if HTN2 wants to register a trademark, we have enough published material and other evidence that we've been around for the past 5 years to prove ourselves as the originators of the band name. I'm really not that concerned that there's another band named Hence The Name, but I just don't understand why they're not concerned that their band name isn't original. Steve and I botherd to do research, why couldn't they be bothered to do so? I mean, it's not like it would have been that hard to find out that the name was already in use, we even registered for crying out loud!
So I'm tempted to write a nice thank-you note to Mr. David Perez, our critic and author of the barely comprehensible e-mail, for his suggestion of our new name, but I imagine that would probably be a waste of time and energy. Hmmm... it would probably generate some humorous content, though.