Well I should be getting those Vegas pictures back today, conveniently pre-scanned onto a Kodak CD. I haven't tried having this done before, but the scanner at work here is slower than molasses in January, so I'll find out if it's worth it.
Meanwhile, is eevryone else as jazzed about this Temptation Island thang as I am? I dont' know if I'll watch it, but I'm sure glas it exists. Family groups may be up in arms about it destroying relationships, but I mean, seriously folks... I think a great sign of a failing relationship is the words "Hey, let's go test our relationship's strenghts by beign stranded on an island with hot single people who are being paid to seduce us!" You might as well get something out of it before it crashes and burns, just like the Change Of Heart program. If some entertainment value can be squeezed from some people's doomed romance, great. If they're the kind of folks who are willing to go about their business on television, the rest of us should be able to be gain some self-importance by watching it and thinking we're better than them.
I swear, even if everyone in the world world evolves to the point where these shows and stuff like Jerry Springer has to actually search for guests instead of folks just coming to them, they should develop artificial intelligence to the point where it can realistically simulate trailer trash and ghetto fab people. I don't often find myself in front of daytime talk shows or whatnot, but when I am, I'm so into it, it's crazy. Who's the real fool here? I don't know, who gives a crap, look! the White supremacists are getting hit with chairs, whoo hoo!
So, would I go on Temptation Island? No, not that I couldn't handle the temptation. The seductresses on there don't really excite me that much, plus I mean seriously, why would anyone give up on a relationship they had any faith in for someone who was willing to go on network TV and try to steal people away from someone else. Yeah,I really want to be with an actress wannabe homewrecker. But becuase uh... spending two weeks with 3 dudes and a bunch of actress wannabe homewreckers is not my idea of a good time. I'm not one to prejudge indiscriminately, but all the people on this show, regardless of their roles, deserve what they get. And I hope it's entertaining.
And yes, of course it's all about sex, duh.
Opinions on TV shows subject to change without prior notification.