So this morning 1 have 3 e-mails waiting. 1 in my inbox, and 2 in my junk mail folder. Of course, both those in my junk mail folder were not junk mail, just mail from people I had never received mail from before. (P.S. I like getting mail from readers. Go ahead, ask me something.) And the one piece of mail in my inbox was a spam about whether I was back in the job market from somewhere like
What, is today, like... backwards day?
Remember on the playground, in grammar school, when the bullies would try to trick you into giving them permission to beat the tar out of you? They'd always try those damn things on me, and I they never worked! I mean, I got beat anyhow, but they did not have the satisfaction of tricking me in addition beating my ass. And now, here's my How to Get Beat but Save Face guide for grammar school (Also works for older brothers and sisters):
Prompt: "No means yes and yes means no. Do you want me to hit you?"
Expected Response: "No! uh.. I mean yes! I mean, no!!! Wait! Agghh!!"
Your Response: "The answer to that would be the same as your answer to this question: 'Are you a big stupid retard?'"
Prompt: "You have to answer yes or no. Are you a faggot in a cage?"
Expected Response: "No!", to which they say, "Faggot on the loose!" and grab you and beat you.
Your Response: "Why do I have to answer yes or no? You are creating a false dilemma."
Prompt: "Today is backwards day? Do you want me to beat on you?"
Expected Response: "No! Yes!! Wait, I mean no!!! Agggh not in the face!!!"
Your Response: Run as fast as you possibly can.
You see kids, bullies are really just trying to cover up for their own lack of self-esteem by making themselves feel more powerful than another individual. Your typical bully has the I.Q. of a peppermill, and so this generally comes out in the form of beating up a smaller, weaker individual. They learn these tricks from one another, or perhaps go to secret bully meetings, pile their brains in a mixign bowl and then they together come up with one of these pathetic riddles. So, while they are pushing your face into a pile of playground tanbark, just remember that one day you will smart and sexy and successful, while they will be spending their unemployment checks on Amstel Light. Fantasies about them begging me for a job in the future (I, anturally was some sort of high-falutin' executive genius) and me granting them the most menial, unskilled job possible kept me going.
That or you can take solace in the fact that their parents probably beat on them, too.