So I was in court yesterday afternoon, only Small Claims Court, sorry to disappoint. Anyhow, kc! and I were preparing the brief for the judge and I was thinking how much easier it would be to present the brief in hypertext. That we, he could read through our timeline, and jump straight from us mentioning documents in the timeline to copies of the documents themselves. I don't suppose it would be permitted to file your brief as a website, though.
We settled for about 1/3 of what we were suing for, but on the other hand, we didn't have to risk losing or not being able ot collect a judgement. I can't help but feel it would have the pretty cool to say I succesfully brought up a case in court, defneded it and won. At least I can claim that I've never lost a case.
The real entertainment factor came from the bailiff though, who, while explaining the proper court procedure and how the whoel thing would work, repeatedly assured us that, "This is not like the People's Court, not like on TV". Now, he must have reminded us of this about a dozen times, but also went to state, and I quote, "God isn't here. There's just me."
And you know you lose automatically if you crack up at the bailiff.