Today at lunch some A-10 Warthogs out of Moffett Field were doing training maneuvers in the skies above Sunnyvale. Although they are not nearly as nimble and quick as the F-18s which followed them, I have a special place in my heart for the A-10 Warthog.
Although I am against war, since killing people for no good reason is theoretically wrong and all that, I have to admit that some of the instruments of war are really really cool. I'm the kind of guy who watches the History channel to see WW2 battleships be split in half by U-Boat torpedoes. In a perfect world, wars would be fought by remote controlled tanks and fighter planes going at it far away from any civilian habitats (or better yet, giant robots!), but unfortunately, these things have a nasty habit of shredding flesh in addition to metal. Still, I must admit I dig 'em in a purely abstract, objective way. I used to draw up blueprints and diagrams of vehicles of war in grammar school, with vital statistics like top speeds, armaments, thrust and whatnot. I don't think they were at all practical, but hey, I was only 8.
Because you are dying to know, here are my top 5 all-time favorite war planes:
A-10 Warthog: The ungainly twin-engine, straight-winged look makes this kind of like the PT cruiser of the jet planes. This isn't your zippy little air-to-air fighter. Oh no, this is a ground support plane, which means that it was massive, sexy amounts of firepower, most notably, the 30mm gatling gun that chews even heavily armored tanks to scrap. And everyone knows Gatling guns are awesome! VrrrrrrmmmmMMMMM...BRRRRRRRRROW!!!!!
Err... It may be fairly useless against other fighters, but it sure can lay down a lot of hurt onto the ground. Oooohhh yeahhh.... Plus it was the inspiration for the COBRA Rattler. Which just goes to show why they always lost their dogfights with G.I. Joe, since Joe had the
F-14 Tomcat: Or, as it was known to G.I. Joe fans, the XP-14F Skystriker. Although this is a conventionally popular aircraft, it si for good reason. This was the fighter plane of the 80's, not only for its cartoon appearance, but also for Top Gun, which introduced many kids to how awesome fighter planes were. Anyone who has played a flight simulator has most likely failed to land one of these fucking things on an aircraft carrier a dozen times or more. Mad props to our Navy pilots for somehow managing that.
I also always dug the variable wing design because it reminded me of an X-wing fighter. Although I imagine the latter was probably inspired by the former.
P-38 Lightning: I will readily admit that I groove very steadily and deeply on twin-fuselage planes. Although not quite a wicked-looking as its flying-fortress style cousin, the P-61 Black Widow, the P-38 Lightning gets mad props for being such an agile little fighter, as well as the plane of choice for pilot and author Antoine de Saint-Exupery, so it may be partially responsible for inspiring Le Petit Prince, althoug it's really the only thing he wrote that's not about flying.
Also the plane's repeat appearances in the Konami's 194X shoot-em-up series adds multiple bonus points. Why a Japanese video game company would want to make a shooting game about an allied aircraft kicking ass int he Pacific theater is beyond me, but it sure is a great series. Oh.. um... what was I talking about? Oh yeah...
X-29: Okay, so it's not a warplane, but I mean, wouldn't it be rad? The wings go forward! How cool is that?! (If you follow that link, be sure to check out the pictures of some of the other bizarre-looking experimental aircraft, especially the X-36 and X-33. I wonder if they are derided for their appearance by the more conventional jet planes? "What's that, you can't take off by yourself? Aw, does da widdle baby need his mothership?" But, as usual, I digress.)
SR-71 Blackbird: Again, it's not a fighter jet, but it is a warplane of sorts. It's a stealth spyplane, not a stealth bomber like the infamous goofy-ass expensive-as-hell B-2. This thing is fast, black and slicker than gooseshit, despite being unarmed, it is the most evil-looking thing with wings. Again, twin engines are good, and just check out the sexy lines on it. To boot, it was also made into a COBRA vehicle, the Night Raven.
So yeah, some people get all horny over cars. I just like to set my sights a little higher.
This column funded in part by the U.S. Air Force. You'll never afford that Camaro, fly a bitchin' fighter jet for your country!