I'm typing this entry prematurely in Simpletext becuase my fucking computer has crashed the last two times I typed the whole damn thing in Blogger.
SO, I'm doing laundry with Shannon and Ernie last night and while looking for some reading material, I find among the stacks of the usual 7-month old copies of Time and Women's Week, a pile of brand-new, snappily produced comic books called "Project: Generation". Now, I'm wary of free comics as much as the next guy, so I figure it must be some sort of youth-oriented churchified jesus thing.
So all right, should be good for a laugh, I think. This self-proclaimed "manga/graphic novel" (it's not a fucking manga if it's not fucking japanese! That's like saying, "Hang on, I have to go get my chausseres/shoes from my cabasa/house", but i digress) stars as it's hip, youthful heroes: Go, the Korean dude; Shannon, the Half-Chinese love interest; Lenny, the Chinese best-friend; and Cye, the Phillipino Computer Genius. they run aroudn beign hip and youthful and participating in various cool, hip, X-treme activities and learna bout the evil SMK corporation, headed by Joseph, the old white guy; Adolf, the old white guy; and Leopold, the old white guy. SMK has a nefarious plan called Project Generation, which was tested on the Pacific Rim countries and is now being levelled at North America, and has something to do with the death of Go's father.
So hmm... no overtly religious message yet, is it subtler than that or... wait, hang on a moment... "SMK corporation"... "Prject: Generation"... "truth publications"...? Holy smokes! It's about um... smoking!
That's right, the same "truth publications" that produces those PSA's about the "Tobacco Memorial" and "What if other products killed 1 out of 3 of its users?" (Admittedly, i thought that "Splode" spt was pretty amusing) So, is it just me, or does this make you feel like running outside and lighting up an entire pack of Camels out of spite?
Now, I'm not a hip Asian youth or anything, but I would feel insulted that "truth" feels the need to trick me into reading anti-smokig propoganda. I mean, I don't want kids to start smoking any more than the next guy, but to try and use a subculture's lingo nd whatnot to try and sneak a message, now matter how positive, past them makes the "truth" campaign look even more fogeyfied than the stereotypical tobacco executives in their commercials.
I'll tell you how to do an effective PSA, get Vanilla Ice or like... the New Kid on the Block no one liked... um.... Danny. Now get them to saw te following lines while lighting up:
"Hey Homeys! After I bust a fresh def jam, I like to kick back and chill like a villian with a couple Marlboros! Mmm... that smooth flavor is totally phat, yo! It's off the hiznook! Marlboro: Welcome to the flava hood!"
That or you could get Tyra Banks to do a short 5 second spot in a slinky negligee:
"I would never ever fuck a smoker."
Sighh.... so yeah, I was thinking whatever it cost to write, illustrate and publish however many hundreds of thousands of copies of this 30-page, full-color comic book sure would have bought a lot of food.
At least they got their target market nailed down, those Koreans, Chinese and Phillipinos * are freakin' fiends.
* Okay, not nessecarily smokin' tobacco, but you get the idea.