So, I'm sure by now that any of you with a game console and genitalia have heard about this supposed wild new direction the industry is barely moving in. In short, there are two titles coming out in the future,
Dave Mirra BMX XXX and
DOA Xtreme Beach Volleyball (Believe it or not, these are actual titles) which will take more advantage of the ESRB's "Mature" rating. So now gamers everywhere are getting all super-excited about the possibility of viewing some 3-D modeled nipples in their BMX or Volleyball games.
Here's the offical 1moredork stance on these announcements: Whoopty doo.
Acclaim and Tecmo, the respective publishers of the two titles, aren't even committing to showing the nudity which they are sorta kinda dangling in front of gamers. They're too afraid of parents, legislators, and Wal-Mart to give any sort of solid stance on the direction their titles are taking. They should take a lesson from Rockstar and just go balls-out. GTA3 is one of, if not the most violent, immoral, criminalistic and downright fun titles out there, and it's sold like gnagbusters. Mostly because it's a really geat game. All the violence and sociopathic behavior is integrated well with the game and makes for a solid gameplay experience, it's not just violence for violence's sake.
Both these publishers are making games here which have great gameplay potential, and they made it clear that they're backing up the theoretical nudity with solid fun factor. However, after making claims like they have, if these games don't actually feature nudity, which is totally allowable under the M rating (it's like an R rating for movies, essentially), I personally will feel let down, disappointed and pissed off. They have a chance to push the gaming industry in a more mature direction, and if they blow it, screw 'em.
If Dave Mirra lives up to its hype, then I'll be the first in line to get a copy. Partly because it's looking like a decent Tony Hawk rip-off, but mostly because I want the gaming industry to grow the hell up and realize that 18-34 year old males does sell. Violence has its place, but 99% of the violence in video games is stupid and mindless. Again, consider the movies: There's your Pulp Fiction violence, and then there's your 3000 Miles to Graceland Violence. Some great stories have violent events.
Sex really can drive a story, or a gaming experience. Violence, violence, violence, blah blah blah. It's been done a million times. I'm tired of my video games characters killing people.
I want my video game characters to get laid.
I'm waiting for the video game of Midnight Cowboy, or The Graduate, or even Fast Times at Ridgemont High or American Pie. I want to see a game in which my character gets the girl, and I mean really gets the girl. Or gets the guy, or the girl gets the guy, or whatever, I don't care. I want stories driven by real people with real desires. It's getting to the point where the extreme sexual tension between the main characters in Final Fantasy X culminates in a kiss. Although it is a pretty awesome kiss, let's be realistic. People really do have sex sometimes, you know. If they didn't, game producers woudln't get born (Although I've begun wondering if they're not somehow mass-produced in laboratories).
The only AO titles I've seen are completely unplayable pieces of garbage with videos of skanky porn stars holding plastic machine guns and telling me to touch them here, not there, here, faster, now here. Basically these titles have about as much play value as trying to adjust the tracking on your VCR in order to watch a 12th-generation skin flick dub. Eventually one just finds the movie files on the CD, decodes and watches them. Pow, you beat the game congratulations. In terms of sexual interation, it's either that or those damn Japanese dating games where you need to buy some schoolgirl a $600 necklace just to convince them to hug you.
What this might teach gamers about interacting with women is not really a concern of mine. Anyone who is actually playing these games for their educational value is probably the kind of person who has trouble convicing a woman to stay in the same room as them for longer than 30 seconds. While I frequently pretend to steal cars, blow up buildings and shoot people in the face in video games, this is not an activity I am about to try and do in real life. I do, however somehow manage to have sex in real life, believe it or not. Maybe I'm just not doing it right, but it seems to be far more complicated than simply pointing and clicking on a boob over and over.
Parents shouldn't be concerned about this at all. Of course, they were super-duper upset about titles like Carmageddon, Soldier of Fortune, and Grand Theft Auto. But let's see hmmm.. aren't those all M rated games? So why would anyone buy them for their kids? Frankly, I'd be more upset about my underage kid playing a game in which he shot people than games in which he tried to make sweet sweet love to them. But there's no need to argue, parents just don't understand their ESRB ratings system. That's a rant for another day.
So shape up, video game industry! Yeah, I'm talking to you! I want games in which the characters have their sexual tension culminate in ohhh... let's see... um... sex! And let's see some sex simulator games which are actual dynamic and fun and not degrading to women and more than just an interface wrapped around 120x160 mpegs of hookers in vinyl skirts. We've got the analog sticks, people! Put them to some use!
If in fact the industry does decide to ever make an actual, playable game with an AO rating, I think it would have to use a music-game style interface more like Dance Dance Revolution (Hump Hump Revolution?), Gitaroo Man (After all, iz not playing an eenstrument not ze same as making sweet love to eet?), or, as I was discussing with Ari the other day while playing the Stuntman game mentioned previously, one could hit the current trend of occupation-related games. Enter "Pornstar".
Dig this: You could start out as a fluffer on gay porn flicks and then work your way up to some sort of superstar Ron Jeremy status. Following the director's instructions, ("Lick faster!", "Okay, now let her get on top!", "Run your hands through her hair!", "Cut! That's the wrong hole!") you enact scenes, save your replay, and earn toys, costumes and special moves for your freestyle freestyle sex arena. Causing simultaneous and multiple orgasms could earn you bonus points and whatnotwith trick multiplers for complex positions. And multi-player would be fantastic!
Anyhow, Lunch break is almost over, and I can't be sure that no one's going to look over my shoulder and read the phrase "wrong hole" and terminate me with extreme prejudice. In short, all I ask is that my mature-rated games treat me like a grown-up. Which I am... honestly!
Okay, back to playing video games for a living.