Hmm.. I may have been duped. It has come to my attention that the OBJECTIVE: Christian Ministries website (The host of the article mentioned in my last post) may be a complete and total fabrication. Which is rad.
So, here's my limited evidence produced by my lazy research: "Diamond" Jack Holgroth's bio states "He served our country during the Cold War as a Game Theory Tactician for the Department of Defense and single-handedly developed an elegant solution to the "Fisherman's Quandary", a game theory problem that was crucial to the winning of the arms race and that was famously intractable - until Diamond Jack came along. " Well, the only place I can find a refence to this important game theory problem is on the OBJECTIVE web site. One would think that a solution to a problem which helped defuse the cold war would be mentioned at least once. Plus, no one can be that conservatively fundamentalistically stupid... right?
So, the site is a fake site meant to combat the fake Landover Baptist Ministries, and then, by extrapolation, this site is fake too. You know, the more I look into this, the more I realize how much I've been had! Billy Graham? No way can anyone be that crazy. And I really got to hand it to Fred Phelps for taking us all in with that whole Westboro Baptist church gag. That's some funny shit, and to think I thought it was real! That whole bible thing? Yeah right! Like anyone seriously believes that the world was created in seven days. Pffft! How gullible I've been! To think that all this time I've been convinced that there was this whole group of people who believed that every word in this "bible" was completely true. What a fool I've been!
So it's funny, it's still pretty scary becuase there's really not too much difference between sites like that poke fun at fundamentalism and fundamentalism itself.
P.S. In case I am misunderstood, I honestly have no problem with Christianity or religion in general, even Baptism. I only have a problem with aggressive ignorance, hatred and illogic. It's just that sometimes the two can fall in the same camp. Satanism though, now there's a wack-ass religion.