The flags are back.
It's been one full rotation of the Earth around the sun since we last were shocked and surprised to see,
holy shit, airplanes being flown into the World Trade Center and,
Jesus Christ, the pentagon. I had hoped to spend yesterday not thinking about it, not being exposed to all the overabundance of media that would be flooding every media source in the nation. But I have to drive to work, and the flags were back.
Last year, driving up highway 101 after the attacks, every overpass had an American flag hung upon it. Now they've been once again taped up to the chainlink fences, and of course I'm right back to a year ago. The weather's the same. I'm driving the same stretch of freeway, and there are the same flags hung in the same places.
Of course, I was never a big flag-waver. I love this country and the ideals that it is supposed to stand for as much as the next guy. Duh, I love my freedoms. Duh, I value my security. Duh, I appreciate our nation's diversity. But for me, the flags never represented that. Too often I've seen them flown by anti-immigration zealots, wrapped around politicians who spew idiocy at me under the guise of patriotism, or hung in the windows of some SUV that's cutting me off on the freeway, whose driver probably couldn't name the first three amendments if his freedom depended on it, or made into fucking bikinis, cigarette lighters, and commemorative plates. Now, it's going to be forever associated with the terrorist attacks.
It's not the flag's fault. I can't blame it. It never asked to be mistreated, misunderstood, appropriated and exploited in this manner. It was supposed to stand for something special. It was supposed to stand for our freedoms, our republic, and our indivisible nation. When people call burning the flag desecration, well, of course they're right. But what I think is an even more profane descreation of the flag is commercializing it, using it to promote hatred, disunity, or jingoism, or just displaying it becuase everyone else is.
So, the flags are back, and they'll be around for a while, either until they get blown away or CalTrans decided it's been long enough that they can uphold their policy of not allowing anything to be hugn from overpasses without looking unAmerican and takes them down.
The trick for me, I think, is to not be negative about them every time I see one, to not be reminded of the attacks (yeah right, have you ever tried to
not think about something? Of course you have) and to just try to remember what they are supposed to stand for, not the ideals that other people keep trying to attach to it.
I pledge dedication to the ideals represented by the flag of the United States of America, and with our republic, for which it stands, one nation, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Yes, I know how it "really" goes, but that's is how it goes for me. I'm not going to pledge allegiance to a piece of cloth, but I used to be a graphic designer, I realize the importance of symbols (I also realize the importance of good visual deisgn, but that's another sotry), and I'm certainly dedicated to the concepts originally intended to be represented by the flag. And I'm not going to let anyone attach any others to it for me.