Okay, so I watched that Temptation Island......
thing last night. I found it very entertaining. It's amazing the things that people will do when they're on TV. I wonder how many of those folks are really that way when they don't think they're on camera. So, even when our heroines start tearing up, I only find it amusing. I can't generate any empathy for these people, it's worse than fictionalized TV. At least the ficitonal characters
seem genuine.
That's the problem with all these Reality TV Shows these days. Everything formthe Real World to Survivor to Fear or whatever. The people they pick for the shows are all the same. I know... I know.... they claim to get a nice cross-seciton of society, try and mix up political views and cultures and lifestyles, but the truth is, deep down inside all these people have one important thing in common. They are all people who want to be on TV.
Well, of course to some extent, we all want to be on TV. I want to be on TV, I don't really know anyone who doesn't. But these people are willing to make beign on television their life. They're willing to risk their jobs, dignity, and relationships by doing whatever show they're on for however long. You know what you clal people who make beign on television their life? Actors.
So, I feel these folks on whatever show are really just deserving of pretty much whatever they get. "Hey, my boyfriend is having fun with other women, *sob*" Um... what the hell did you expect? You signed up for TEMPTATION ISLAND? What you thought that there'd just be a lot of delicious pastries strewn about to lure you off of your diet? ugh.
The one truly great reality TV show, in my mind, was Candid Camera. It was pretty damn funny. And you know why it was funny? Becuase the people on it had no idea that they were on TV. Now that was comedy. Newer, cruder shows like Tom Green and Jackass follow suit, and though I find them revolting and sick, I sure do think they're funny. So, my solution to making these characters on these shows more agreeable would be: kidnap them.
Yup, you find people in committed relationships. You know, genuinely committed, the kind that don't sign up for Temptation Island. And then you enter them in this twisted little game. Of course, that would be wrong and horrible, but at least I would be sad when the couples broke up.
Just think how much more interesting television would be with unwilling or unknowing participants. The Real World would simply be a low-rent, beautiful victorian in SF laced with hidden cameras , I gaurantee you'll get a mix of strange people. You can even select the participants! With Fear, you could just fuck with people at a hotel by generating holograms and bumping thigns aroud and flicking the lights on and off. Temptation Island could be reduced simply to contestants trying to seduce people who are away from their loved ones on business trips.
So, networks, I will gladly accept royalties, but not blame for this idea.