I did it, and I did it on the second try. As part of my ongoing investigation to see if I've still got "
It", I've finished the original
Contra without continuing and without using the 30-life code. The next step is to finish it without dying once, but I can die satisfied with what I've done so far.
See, I hadn't beaten it before without using the 30-life code. I know that officially makes me a pussy, but I've got it out of my system now. I am vindicated. I know video games have become easier in recent days. Granted, they are more complex, and certainly mor einvolved and lengthy, but they are easier, as well. I judge easiness by likeliness to beat the game. In the older days, if you screwed up, you were fucked. You had a finite amount of lives, and a finite amount of continues, and if you couldn't beat the game with that, too bad. Nowadays if you screw up, you can try and try again until you get it right, without much consequence. Granted, there are some who can become obsessed with finding every little secret in a game, but I really don't have the free time or dedication to do that. Not that I don't respect it. Without those compulsive completeness junkies, we wouldn't have walkthroughs.
So, I'm going back over the games I once played on my NES to find out if 10 years later, I've still got the touch. See, when I was a kid, If I wanted a game, I had to spend my own hard-earned dough on it. So, since I was running on a $10 per week allowance, I frequently rented game rather than buying them. This meant, that I had 3 days to finish the game. 3 days and not a day more. So I was essentially a binge gamer. I would come home after school, hit whatever hot title I currently had and then power through it until I could beat it. If I didn't beat it, tough. I couldn't afford the late fees, so it went back and I received another notch on the ol' disappointment belt. However, playing in this fashion did make me into a pretty solid gamer.
Now I am still broke, but the price of Nintendo games has dropped significantly, so I can afford to pick up a few and really spend time with them and finish those games I wasn't able to in the 3 days I played on them before.
Don't talk to me about emulators. Emulators are fun, but they only count for RPG titles in terms of playability. You've got to have that rectilinear ergonomically-incorrect controller than came with the NES. I've got an NES Advantage, but rapid fire is for cheaters. Slow-mo is right out. I'm in full purist mode now, baby. It's stupid and it costs money and time which could be put to more productive uses, but it's tough to beat the high I got when I finally shot the hell out of that giant, scorpion-producing, pulsating heart at the end of the Red Falcon's lair....
On a side note, games were not only more difficult back then, but they were bizarre.
Bones Successfully Picked:
- Contra
- Kid Icarus
- Super Mario Brothers
- Ducktales
Bones to Pick Next:
- Castlevania
- Battletoads
- Metroid
- Blaster Master