I am now 9126 days old.
Remember kids, on the day you turn 25 years old, it is your 26th birthday, but your 25th birthday anniversary.
It's important that you specify these things.
So far I had a lovely nighttime park picnic with homemade bruschetta, brownies, and Dr. Pepper in a wine glass. Drinking soda from wine glasses, champagne flutes or glass slippers is one of my favorite things.. mmm... perceived beverage class juxtaposition. I also received some lovely Nicole Miller
Godzilla socks (85% of my underwear and sock collection is composed of novelty items. That way if I'm ever stuck for something funny to say, I can just drop my pants and get a laugh.), a mix CD, another dope postcard for my wall and a super-killer fish painting, with a homemade frame! I also got to commandeer the TV and watch Pod People. A groovy birthday, and my super party hasn't even happened yet! Being 25 kicks ass so far.
On a sad note,
Bigmeats.net is going out of business. Jump over there and read it until your eyes bleed just in case you missed anything. Fouff is a funny motherfucker and either a fantastic gonzo journalist, or someone who's really good at making up gonzo journalism experiences.
Apparently congress did not hear that it was my birthday and, against my wishes, and the wishes of pretty much everyone in the whole world,
voted the president one step closer to supreme ultra-commander of the world. To all my non-American readers, and I know there are at least a few, I would like to apologize on behalf of my country for apparently being hell-bent on
initiating WW3.
On the bright side, the Russians have overcome their space program's
financial woes by collaberating with their state-owned First Channel to devise a fantastic new reality
game show concept in which the winners will get to travel to the International Space Station. I understand Lance Bass' application was rejected outright.
Well, Americans have been appropriating television show concepts left and right for the past few years. Maybe NASA will pick up the ball and sign a contract with NBC to shoot some telegenic 20-somethings into the stratosphere. I'd like to proactively acknowledge my interest in this program.
Dear NASA, If you let me on your possible future game show, I promise not to sleep with any of the other contestants or stick my fingers in the peanut butter or get drunk on camera. I'll even forgive you for not getting me a birthday present.
You know, I say that facetiously, but wouldn't it be nice if the U.S. government, somewhere amidst all these things like voter info pamphlets, tax forms, and jury duty summons, saw fit to send you a card on your birthday? I mean, they obviously know where you live if you're registered to vote, and they know how old you are and when your birthday is. Would it really be that hard to print up a little card and mail it to birthday boys and girls? The only midly birthday-related thing i've received from Uncle Sam was on my 17th birthday when they sent my mandatory military registration form. "Happy Birthday! You're now a man! How about fighting for your country?" They didn't even get my age right. Sometimes I feel like the government jsut doens't really carea bout me as a person, sometimes, y'know? It's onyl interested in sex.
I did receive a phone call from president George W. Bush the other day, though. He left a message on my answering machine urging me to vote for our republican candidates, since they support his "agenda". Yeah, he used that word. "Agenda" is such a creepy term. Brrrrr... Well, he said it, not me. He's got an agenda. I was pretty sure that the president was supposed to be fair, unbiased, and impartial and not.. y'know, call me up and leave spooky messages about how I should vote republican, but maybe I'm just old-fashioned.
Not like I was going to vote republican anyhow, but I have a strict policy of not voting for anyone who leaves pre-recorded answering machine messages. For instance, I know that I'm going to vote for Ed Voss for city council. I have no idea what his party is, or even his position on any of the issues, but I'm voting for him because the other candidates left pre-recorded messages on my answering machine, and Ed Voss showed up at my house personally to talk to the voting public. That shows character and commitment, so I'm voting for him. I just hope he's not on the Nazi ticket or something becuase then I might experience some kind of moral dilemma, and I hate those.