So I finally went and saw Episode 2, and it was totally worth it to see Yoda go off on Count Dooku like a rabid ferret. I'm also glad they had a throwaway comment by Padme about Anakin using a Jedi mind trick on her. Somehow I had imagined a conjugal scene like this:
Anakin: It's getting hot in here. So take off all your clothes.
Padme: I am getting so hot. I want to take my clothes off.
And as for all the foofaraw about Jango (and hence the clone army) looking "totally Latino" and thus being a thinly-veiled allegory about immigration fears is B.S. Personally, I've never met a Latino person who spoke with a New Zealand accent.
Besides, are these critics ignoring the fact that Jango and Boba (who I guess is essentially Jango, being a clone and all) are two of the series quintessential bad-asses? Thes bounty hunters are way cooler than the actual heroes of the series. It's true that the series is extremely whitewashed in terms of its main characters, but look at how interesting the white characters are against the colored ones. When you scan the series for bad mofos, you come up with Jango, Boba, Lando and Windu. Admittedly, Han was a pretty tough cookie, but fell short in the style department.
And speaking of armies of marching clones, I hope episode 3 explains how these efficient lockstep killing machines degenerate into the bumbling blaster-fodder we experienced in episodes 4-6. Apparently they replace droids entirely as soldiers. Correct me if I'm retarded, but wouldn't growing a vast army of clones, raising them, feeding them, training them and supplying them with weapons be vastly more expensive and time-consuming than simply mass-producing battle droids? The argument given in Episode 2 was that they were superior due to their ability to think creatively (How creative a thinker one who is raised to be obedient and docile from day one who hangs out with only other soldiers who think and act just like him is another question entirely (and, on another note, doesn't R2 generally save everyone's ass by thinking creatively?)), but really history has shown that generally, the side with the ability to throw tons and tons of soldiers at the opposition comes out on top.
Furthermore, in the second trilogy, if I remember correctly, there was a droid bounty hunter named something like IG-88. If he's a bounty hunter, then he must be a pretty efficient hunter and warrior, why don't they just copy his programming? Wouldn't that be cheaper than raising clones? Anyhow, I'm progressing so far into dork territory that the possibility of ever getting laid again is receding into the far distance, so I won't get into the odd Jedi proclivity for fighting one's masters (i.e. Vader vs. Obi, Vader vs. Sidious, Dooku vs. Yoda).
Addendum: Okay, Darth Maul was also pretty bad-ass, and he was black... and red.