Well, that's pretty much all the evidence I need. It's not enough that he's screaming to invade Iraq when all the other countries, and a significant percentage of the American people are telling him to shut the fuck up and chill, or that he plans to invade Iraq because Saddam's a dick and may have some undeclared weapons, while Kim Jong Il is a dick who has declared nuclear weapons, the major difference being that North Korea doesn't really have a lot of oil. Now he's offering huge tax breaks to buyers of SUVs, the ridiculously huge vehicles which use up the most oil-based products. Bush is only concerned with putting as much money as possible into the pockets of the oil companies.
Yeah yeah, I know: duh. Everyone knows that Bush is primarily concerned with making rich people richer, but at least he could pretend to give a shit about the average American. Okay you know what? Forget it. He'd never convince anyone that he did care anyways. At this point he may as well wear a long black cape at his press conferences, sit upon a throne constructed from the skulls of welfare mothers, and laugh manaically after each statement ("There will be serious consequences for any Iraqi general or soldier who were to use weapons (sic) on our troops or on innocent lives... BWAH HA HA HA HAAA!!!!") punctuating each reamrk by firing a beam of pure cancer into the crowd of journalists from the giant ruby atop his spiked metal sceptre. At least the press conferences would then be entertaining to watch.
Seriously though, if he's going to be a malevolent dictatator, he should play the part. Saddam and Kim Jong Il have got their acts down. Kim with his blatant alcoholism, film buffery, and ability to send an entire employee's family to prison for the simple transgression of leaving a cigarette in his personal ashtray. Saddam has the whole para-military garb thing going on, and that cop 'stache gives him an air of authority. Bush, well... he looks kind of like a weenie. I don't blame Saddam for trying to convince the Iraqi people that they have a chance against the U.S. forces. If Bush is the face of American military might, I wouldn't be that intimidated either.
How are we supposed to scare our enemies into submission at the power awesome empire if our leader dresses up in suits and looks, and this has been proven time and time again, like a monkey? Most of the rest of the world has been given their image of America by our meddling in their affairs and sending them Hollywood movies. SInce there's no way we can pass ourselves of as John Wayne heroes anymore, we may as well go the other route, but Bush doesn't even come close to meeting the expectation set by our Hollywood villians. Maybe we should have all of our threats to Saddam delivered by Gary Oldman or Christopher Lee.
Even if Bush isn't willing to go the whole Ming the Merciless route, he could at least make speeches flanked by two big dudes in dark sunglasses toting machine guns, instead of just having more old white guys standing around him.
And that's why tax break on SUVs are wrong.
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